Blue Prince / Princess Video
- Climbing uphill by side stepping and herring bone
- Gliding and stopping in snow plough position
- Skiing with skis parallel with steps and tricks
- Turns in snow plough position left and right
Blue King / Queen Video |
- Traversing and tricks
- Side slipping
- Skiing with skis parallel over easy bumps and jumps
- Turns in snow plough position on easy slopes
Blue Star Video |
- Turning in a miniature slalom jungle and in a set course
- Skiing over bumps and dips
- Skiing backwards (switch) with skis in V-shape with turns
- Snow plough turns on a blue slope
Red Prince / Princess Video |
- Stopping in parallel position
- Turning steps on an easy slops
- Walzing
- Skidding parallel turns
Red King / Queen Video |
- Short turns on an easy slope
- Skating steps on a flat slope
- Basic Air (small kicker)
- Parallel turns in all radii
Red Star Video |
- Parallel turns through a corridor of slalom gates and a set course
- Skidded parallel turns backwards (switch)
- Turns on one ski on an easy slope
- Short turns on an intermediate slope
Black Prince / Princess Video |
- Short turns with poles planting on a difficult slope
- Jumps: Straigths and Fifty/Fifty over a box
- Parallel turns off-piste
- Parallel turns carved on a wide easy slope
Black Academy Video |
- Race : Kurzschwung / Parallelschwung/ Schwungvarianten/Hocksprung/ Training SL und RS Info über Wettkampfsport
- Freestyle: Parellschwingen "Switch"/Straight Air mit Grab/ Air Trick spins/ Pistentricks 180° und Schweden 180°/ Rotation auf Box oder Rails/ mind 1 Disziplin in Pipe Basic Run, Quarterpipe/ Skicross/ Infos über Verhalten im Snowpark
- Freeride: LVS suche/Lawinenbulletin/ Linien und Haltepunkte wählen/ Parallelschwingen "Off Piste" mit Radiuswechsel/ Spurenbilder / Powder 8/ Kurzschwingen in Buckeln/ Powderkicker/Gestaltersich Off-Piste Run/ Infos über Sicherheit, Lawinen und Wetter